One of the world’s leading
experts in human connection
DR. Marisa G. Franco
New York Times best-selling author, TED speaker, psychologist, professor, and sought-after friendship & belonging expert.
Here to speak at your organization, provide you with your guidebook to how to make friends, and make finding connection a little easier.

SURVEY: What kind of friend are you?
We all have strengths and weaknesses as friends. This survey is designed to help you figure out what yours are: discover your personal friend profile and use it as a guide to help you connect.

Order your copy of Platonic:
How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make—And Keep—Friends!
Platonic book reviews
As featured in

Want to make friends?

You might think making friends is an inherent skill that doesn’t need to be taught. It’s not. We can all get better at connection if we try. I’ll save you the scholarly articles (for now) but suffice to say:
People today struggle with fostering and maintaining positive, mutually-rewarding, genuine relationships. It’s a challenge that impacts all facets of life, including work, school, and mental and physical health.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. I have the guidance, tools, and book to help you find the relationships you’re looking for.
Work with Dr. Franco
I have spoken at conferences, universities, workplaces, places of worship, and fellowship programs on belonging at work, how to make friends, and improving mental health.
In a study of 1000 employees, after my talk on belonging at work, employees reported a significant increase in how much they wanted to connect with colleagues and in their knowledge of how to do so.
To book me to speak, please fill out this inquiry form.

Speaking reviews
TED talk: The Secret to Making New Friends as an Adult
Friendship doesn’t happen organically and people who think it does are lonelier. People like you more than you think. Making friends isn’t about who you are; it’s about how you treat people. Listen to a compelling, research-backed take on how to make friends as an adult.
I have spoken at 50+ Places Including:

Do you want to create more belonging in your organization? Create a curriculum for connection? Understand the research on connection so you can perfect your app or TV show?
I offer private consultation to companies, universities, startups, and more. I’ll help you gain practical, science-backed advice on how to nurture deeper connections.

Is Perfectionism Harming Your Relationships (Part II)
I recently interviewed clinical psychologist Dr. Ellen Hendriksen, whose book How to Be Enough: Self-Acceptance for Self-Critics and Perfectionists came

Is perfectionism harming your relationships?
I recently interviewed clinical psychologist Dr. Ellen Hendriksen, whose book How to Be Enough: Self-Acceptance for Self-Critics and Perfectionists comes

4 Friendship Based (and Science Backed) Resolutions for 2025
The start of a new year is always buzzing with talk of resolutions—commitments to eat healthier, exercise more, or finally